Electronic Health Solutions Launches The Electronic Library of Medicine Website ‘ELM’ with New Solutions and Benefits

موقع علم الجديد


Electronic Health Solutions (EHS) announced the launch of the new Electronic Library of Medicine - Jordan, "ELM" website, with its upgraded solutions and benefits. The digital platform, www.ELM.jo, provides users with a more convenient and efficient browsing experience, enabling them to access up-to-date medical information to keep up with the continuous and rapid advancements in the field of medicine worldwide.

EHS collaborated with OPEN Athens to update the registration process on the new website by providing a single sign-in feature, making the login steps to access available references and resources more convenient. Additionally, the company partnered with EBSCO - Stacks to provide a completely new website with a modern user interface specifically designed for electronic libraries and according to the highest global standards.

The new website offers the latest required resources and references in healthcare, in addition to hosting numerous seminars through the website presented by leading publishers, focusing on topics related to scientific research and publication with the aim of building competencies in this field.

Omar Ayesh, the CEO of Electronic Health Solutions, stated that the launch of the new website for the Electronic Library of Medicine– Jordan is in line with EHS's strategy to change concepts and practices in healthcare and medicine in Jordan. This is achieved by providing healthcare professionals with access to medical recourses that can be used to make accurate clinical decisions based on medical guidelines and best evidence-based practices.

It should be noted that the Electronic Library of Medicine , "Elm,", one of EHS’s programs was launched in 2013, and is considered the first of its kind in Jordan. It provides free medical resources and includes a large number of paid and open-access electronic databases, clinical decision support tools, and other medical resources that require expensive annual subscriptions but are provided to users of the ELM portal for free.